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Sitharaman rejected the opposition charge that there was panic in the government following the launch of demonetisation drive which was reflected in fresh announcement of measures for easing people&Custom Back-lit crystal letter Signs Manufacturers39;s problems.He said the problems being faced by the people were for a short time as the government was making efforts to normalise the situation."Will the truth change if Azad apologises?" asked an editorial in Sena mouthpiece 'Saamana'.."The PM's time out for 50 days might ease the liquidity crisis at individual's hands, but it won't solve many other problems.. Then you will see the second-order effects," Chidambaram said in Mumbai.

Now there is hue and cry for roll back of the move. The Central government has totally failed to act.DMK patriarch M Karunanidhi announced in Chennai that his party will form a 'human chain' on November 24 to protest against the "haste" with which the government launched the exercise.Commerce Minister Nirmala Sitharaman, who was fielded by the government to mount an assault on the opposition on the issue, rejected the charge that demonetisation of high-value currency notes had hit the common man and insisted that despite facing problems people were backing Prime Minister Narendra Modi's action targeted against black money.Think somebody didn't think through."Ever since the Modi government came to power, opposition parties have been making a hue and cry over what will be done on black money.


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It was remade in Hindi as Dayavan, in 1988, with Vinod Khanna portraying Mudaliar. This led to a competition between Dawood and Rajan and they started eliminating each other’s men. "Then there was a rift between Rama Naik, Arun Gawli and the rest of the D Gang over the real estate extortion business in Mumbai and the gang began to split," said senior journalist from Saamna Prabhakar Pawar, who has written seven books on the Mumbai underworld.

Arun Gawli was initially associated with the Dawood Gang.S. Gawli’s reign ended in 2012 when he and 11 of his men were convicted for the murder of Sena corporator Kamlakar Jamsandekar and sentenced to life. Rajan’s arrest comes at a time when there are few signs of underworld activity in Mumbai.Bollywood films the underworldHathyar (1989)Filmmaker J.P. With Dawood and Rajan overseas, their space was taken over by Gawli who became the don of Mumbai in the 1990s. Dutta had reportedly said that it was the first Hindi film made on the underworld where Dharmendra had played the role of don Karim Lala. But greed, jealousy and the idea of leading a gang makes all such followers revolt against their leaders and form their own gangs," he said. In July 1992, Gawli’s men killed Dawood’s brother-in-law Ibrahim in Nagpada. Soman, Mumbai CP (1985-1987) had made a special crime branch team to nab Dawood from his den in Musafirkhana, but Dawood’s moles in the police force tipped him off and he made a last-minute escape and landed in Dubai. While Wholesale Custom Hanging light box Signs Mastan, Patel and Mudaliar were said to be only smugglers, Lala was said to be a notorious and violent don hailing from Afghanistan who ran the Pathan Gang with his sons. This was the transformation of Dawood from being a petty thief in the 1970s to forming the D Gang."Former joint CP, Mr Pawar said, "Mudaliar was running businesses worth crores including smuggling, bootlegging through 40-odd taxis and stolen vehicles across Mumbai, gambling, passport racketing, sex trade involving women and over 100 eunuchs. Back then Dawood did not have the muscle power so he used the services of the Pathan Gang." Police inspector Ajay Sawant of the Crime Intelligence Unit (CIU) says, "We haven’t heard about Dawood in the past five years. Between 2010-2014 Pujari’s gang was involved in extortion and at least six firing cases.


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It’s mounam sarvartha sadhanam. So never mind the national motto written in courtrooms – no "satyamev jayate" for you. If a report reveals ugly things about a powerful person, it is not enough for the reporter to prove that his facts are right. And in the process of announcing that these laws — put in place by the British much before the Indian Constitution was written — were indeed constitutionally valid, the Supreme Court also seemed to suggest that one’s reputation was a fundamental right and far more precious than rights like freedom of speech and expression. Silence gets you places.Generally the Supreme Court doesn’t disappoint.

There have been 15 attacks on journalists.com. Or I could silence you by dangling handcuffs in your face, promising to clap you in jail if you made the powers that be uncomfortable. This would target printers, publishers, the media and filmmakers, of course, but would also include netizens posting on social media, and anyone else scribbling a map anywhere.The attempt to silence is perhaps best seen in the hydra-headed attacks on dissent that led to the amazingly resilient student protests on university campuses — from the University of Hyderabad and Jawaharlal Nehru University in New Delhi to Jadavpur University in Kolkata and Allahabad University.


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If nothing else, some Republicans also conceded it was impossible to use funding legislation to squeeze concessions from the White House on health care. You can’t shut it down. Whatever its intent, Senate majority leader Harry Reid rejected it. "We can’t win," said Sen.

As lawmakers squabbled, Obama spoke bluntly about House Republicans. For the first time since the showdown began more than a week ago, there was public dissent from the Republican strategy that has been carried out at the insistence of tea party-supported Republican House members working in tandem with Republican Sen. The U. "I would be supportive of it, and I believe the votes are there in the House to pass it at that point," the fifth-term congressman said. The same measure also would require members of Congress and their aides as well as the President, vice President and the administration’s political appointees to bear the full cost of their own health care coverage by barring the government from making the customary employer contribution. government staggered into a partial shutdown on Monday at midnight after congressional Republicans stubbornly demanded changes in the nation’s health care law as the price for essential federal funding and President Barack Obama and Democrats adamantly refused.S. Stock market dropped on fears that political gridlock between the White House and a Republican Party influenced Custom Back-lit crystal letter Signs Suppliers by hardcore conservative tea party lawmakers would prevail, though analysts suggested significant damage to the national economy was unlikely unless a shutdown lasted more than a few days. Ted Cruz of Texas. Hours before the midnight deadline, the Senate voted 54-46 to reject a proposal by House Republicans for a temporary funding bill that would have kept the government open but would have delayed implementation of the health care law for a year and permanently repeal a tax on medical devices that helps finance it. Then, Republicans suffered grievous political damage and President Bill Clinton benefited from twin shutdowns in 1995 and 1996. Some aides conceded the move was largely designed to make sure that the formal paperwork was on the Senate’s doorstep as the day ended." House Speaker John Boehner responded a short while later on the House floor. U. Something has to be done."


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How can it possible be good for TRPs if the audience cannot make out a word of what anybody is hollering I was also told that the more controlled, decorous shows, in which participants behave themselves and follow basic rules involving good manners, decorum, civility, are watched by very few people. Singh will occupy at some future date We have loads of "idiots" in India — not just the three identified by Prime Minister Modi.

Together, they could form a formidable team.The disappointment comes when politicians disgrace themselves by squabbling like garden variety hoodlums. And the high-decibel slanging match continued minus even a half-hearted attempt to monitor the proceedings. Of course, the anchor did not intervene.com.I absolutely love the level of political discourse these days. If the "3 Idiots" pull it off, the joke will be on the BJP.


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Some Top False Stories in Contemporary India1. However, if a video is involved, that takes precedence over all else. UNESCO declares new Rs 2,000 note Best Currency in the world: This is another fake UNESCO certificate for India after demonetization.What this means is that, a lot of the time, social and mainstream media feed off one another to get more eyeballs.Finally, it is the protracted efforts of the Civil Society, assisted by a movement for Media Literacy through academia and alternative media that can to an extent combat the menace of false, fake, post-truth news Custom Light Box letter Signs factory and trolling.More interestingly, those participating in this blitzkrieg action are not just a party’s online foot soldiers, but also members of Parliament as well as ministers. "Videos are a high priority, because they are always so dangerous," he illustrates with the example of a series of fake videos that went viral after India lost a cricket match against Pakistan in June. "While WhatsApp isn’t the only platform, in India, it does play an important role in circulation of fake news," he explains.

The Business of Fake News"If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it".3."It allows you to forward a message and then completely delete it from your own system, thereby shedding responsibility. UNESCO declares PM Modi Best Prime Minister: UNESCO has been one of the primary alleged sources of fake news in India. WhatsApp profile pictures can be used by ISIS for terror activities: A WhatsApp forward requested ‘mothers’ and ‘sisters’ to delete their WhatsApp profile pictures for security purposes.4. The website gets further momentum when shared by prominent BJP leaders and right-wing influencers. However, the larger issue is still one of media literacy and the fight against fake news still needs to be led by mainstream legacy media. UNESCO declares ‘Jana Gana Mana’ best National Anthem: This is another favourite Indian rumour involving the UNESCO.5.2..Some Tools Bust Myths* Google reverse image search is favoured by all of the Indian myth-busters.8. Additionally, a blitzkrieg strategy is adopted on social media, wherein BJP followers post tweets and messages taken from a common template created in advance, with the idea of pushing a suitable ‘trend’ to popularity.


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It lets in a lot of feedback from the ground and turning it by mere 2 to 3 degrees will make the front end move.The fourth, fifth and sixth cogs will help you reach the top speed, which sadly has been limited to 200 kmph.The clutch bites onto the flywheel, which results in a jerky shift, and the sensation is rather pleasing.Strolling around in high gears is easy and, in sixth gear, the car shows no signs of judder. Because of this, the quality cannot be like a Porsche or the BMW, but then we know how much these two would cost.VerdictTo sum it all up, the Avanti will fulfil one;s needs for a sports car, especially for those who want to own one, as it doesn’t cost a bomb.

Apart from the fact they make a car lot safer, it might be a critical criteria for some to not buy this car. A sharper bite will be more reassuring and lift the Avanti;s sports car appeal.The suspension is on the stiffer side, but the dual wishbone front and rear independent setup makes cornering a breeze. However, the brake bite is progressive rather than sharp. It is also good as a beginner;s sports car, for it is adequately fast, but not as intimidating, once you get in-sync with the car. Braking All four disc brakes offer a fair amount of stopping power and it is accentuated by the grippy Pirelli tyres. After this point, everything gets very dramatic, the turbo whooshes build up promptly. You see, we got the chance to drive two different Avantis, and two handmade cars never are the same, which helped us understand this rare creature better.Safety On the safety front, the tubular frame chassis forms a safety cell for the cockpit, which acts as a roll cage. In a car that is so mindfully engineered, providing airbags would have made its appeal stronger.


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According to a 2010 Ifop survey, one in 10 French people — and nearly a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds — have a tattoo. "We did not want to affect his chances of getting work, and we didn’t want it to be visible, above all on his neck and face.Like many teenagers, Timothee has not waited till his 18th birthday to get his first tattoos and piercings."I felt my body didn’t suit me so I am carrying out some improvements," she said. 'It's my body' For sociologist David Le Breton, author of Signs of Identity: Tattoos, Piercings and Other Body Markings, the need to alter their appearance is a "a way of saying, ‘It’s my body and I can do what I like with it.In Europe, some 100 million residents have tattoos, or 10 to 20 per cent of the adult population, according to figures cited in the publication Tattooed Skin and Health, which was published in 2015 for a medical congress entitled the Second European Congress on Tattoo and Pigment Research, held in Belgium.. She started with her bellybutton at 13, followed by each end of her lower lip. "For the next one I want something written down the length of my spine," he said, convinced that he will never regret his tattoos.French tattoo artist Corinne Dubosque tattoos the arm of 18-year-old Timothee at her Atelier Paradise Tattoo in Plessis Trevise.Timothee calls this "body tuning" while Clementine insists all her piercings have nothing to do with youthful rebellion or politics "but simple aesthetics". Oh, and she has a nose ring too.Every year Marina gets another piercing.’

"For teenagers it is a way of taking back their bodies that they don’t believe they were responsible for creating. And I cannot stand the idea of anybody saying no to me. The angel he wants on his shoulder is not going to get there by itself.So no matter how much a rebellious a teenager might be, they have to negotiate with their elders, even though a growing number are turning to so-called "scratchers" who operate illegally. He had the names of his parents tattooed on his wrist at 16, and six Acrylic letter signs Suppliers others elsewhere to go with his nose piercing and the little stud on the inner lobe of his ear."But in the end he so won her over that she and her husband got tattoos themselves.


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